Women in Conflict Podcast
The Women in Conflict podcast explores the complexity of being “woman” in conflict zones. Together with women peacebuilders, refugees, activities, and even combatants, we dive into the nuances of violence and womanhood. Listen, as women share their uncensored stories and the intimate details of maintaining meaning amidst moral complexity.
In each 20-30 minute episodes we discover the purpose, motivations, and backgrounds of these vibrant women navigating life in conflict.
01. Suraya Pakzad - Afghanistan
Suraya Pakzad has lived in Afghanistan her entire life. One of 15 children, she founded an underground school after the Taliban banned girls’ education and a network of domestic violence shelters in and around Herat. Suraya’s profile as a very public women’s rights activist has grown over the years and so has need for security, a topic we explore in depth during this episode. Despite the ever-present risk, Suraya refuses to give up.
Learn more about Suraya's work at Voice of Women at vwo.org.af.
02. Rita Lopidia - South Sudan
Rita Lopidia is a peace activist from South Sudan, a country torn apart by civil war after independence in 2011. Rita is a refugee who was internally displaced as a child. She now splits her time between Europe, North America, and South Sudan. Rita’s powerful sense of connection and commitment to her community is inspiring.
Learn more about Rita's work at Eve Organization at evesouthsudan.org.
.03 Hajer Sharief - Libya
Hajer Shereif found her life changed forever after civil war swept Libya in February 2011. Amidst the unrest, and still a young woman herself, Hajer volunteered at a local hospital. By 18, Hajer witnessed the end of Libya’s latest revolution and its transition to sectarian violence. In response, she started Together We Build It, an organization dedicated to empowering women as political actors and enhancing their role in Libya’s peacebuilding process.
Learn more about Hajer's work at Together We Build It at togetherwebuildit.org.